AquaIMPACT 2019-2023

AquaIMPACT 2019-2023

conjuguer les domaines de la sélection et de la nutrition des poissons, afin d’augmenter la compétitivité de l’aquaculture européenne de saumon atlantique, truite arc-en-ciel, daurade royale et bar commun, dans un objectif final d’assurer la sécurité alimentaire et de satisfaire la demande des consommateurs pour des produits aquatiques de haute qualité à impact environnemental limité.

En savoir plus : voir le site du projet AquaIMPACT

AquaIMPACT log

Le projet est coordonné par A. Kause (LUKE, Finland)

Producing more robust, healthy, nutritious and resource efficient fish to fulfill also consumers’ needs – AquaIMPACT in short

AquaIMPACT is a major effort to integrate the fields of fish breeding and nutrition to increase the competiveness of EU’s aquaculture of Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, gilthead seabream and European seabass, to ensure food and nutrition security and to satisfy consumer demands for high-quality seafood with limited environmental impact.

AquaIMPACT will develop products and services based on genomic selection for the European aquaculture breeding industry, with focus on cost efficient trait recording and genotyping, and selection for traits that can only be recorded under commercial conditions. By incorporating emerging ingredients, essential nutrients and appropriate additives developed by companies, novel nutritional and feeding strategies will be up-scaled and tailor-made specifically for the genetically improved fish arising from breeding programmes.

The use of genomic technologies will be economically optimised and in combination with the nutritional and digital solutions demonstrated to produce more robust, healthy, nutritious and resource-efficient fish, promoting industrial practices of re-circular bioeconomy, zero-waste and more efficiency use of natural resources.

Financement : H2020

11 instituts de recherche, 13 entreprises, 9 pays

Catherine Mariojouls impliquée dans WP4, études consommateurs

Date de création : 04 mars 2024 | Rédaction : FB